Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data Imputation Using Bi-level Feature Propagation
Junseok Lee†, Seokwon Yun†, Yeongmin Kim, Tianlong Chen, Manolis Kellis, Chanyoung Park
Briefings in Bioinformatics (2024)
Deep Single-cell RNA-seq data Clustering with Graph Prototypical Contrastive Learning
Junseok Lee, Sungwon Kim, Dongmin Hyun, Namkyeong Lee, Yejin Kim, Chanyoung Park
Bioinformatics (2023)
Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning via Positive Mining
Namkyeong Lee, Junseok Lee, Chanyoung Park
Information Sciences (2022)
Single-cell RNA-seq data imputation using Feature Propagation
Seokwon Yun†, Junseok Lee†, Chanyoung Park
ICML Workshop on Computational Biology (WCB 2023) (Best Paper, Contributed Talk)
Deep Single-cell RNA-seq data Clustering with Graph Prototypical Contrastive Learning
Junseok Lee, Sungwon Kim, Dongmin Hyun, Namkyeong Lee, Yejin Kim, Chanyoung Park
ICML Workshop on Computational Biology (WCB 2023)
Task-Equivariant Graph Few-shot Learning
Sungwon Kim, Junseok Lee, Namkyeong Lee, Wonjoong Kim, Seungyoon Choi, Chanyoung Park
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2023)
Conditional Graph Information Bottleneck for Molecular Relational Learning
Namkyeong Lee, Dongmin Hyun, Gyoung S. Na, Sungwon Kim, Junseok Lee, Chanyoung Park
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023)
Heterogeneous Graph Learning for Multi-modal Medical Data Analysis
Sein Kim, Namkyeong Lee, Junseok Lee, Dongmin Hyun, Chanyoung Park
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023 Oral Presentation)
Relational Self-Supervised Learning on Graphs
Namkyeong Lee, Dongmin Hyun, Junseok Lee, Chanyoung Park
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2022)
GraFN: Semi-Supervised Node Classification on Graph with Few Labels via Non-Parametric Distribution Assignment
Junseok Lee, Yunhak Oh, Yeonjun In, Namkyeong Lee, Dongmin Hyun, Chanyoung Park
ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2022 Short Paper)
Augmentation-Free Self-Supervised Learning on Graphs
Namkyeong Lee, Junseok Lee, Chanyoung Park
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022)